Bora Bora II Booney

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  • Accessoires
  • Beschreibung:

    This high-performance fishing hat battles the heat, combining UPF 50 fabrication, which blocks out 98% of harmful UVA and UVB rays, and an Omni-Wick® sweatband and mesh vent panel, which is non UPF, to keep you cool and the sweat from dripping in your eyes.
  • Hersteller-Referenznummer:

SwissPost SameDay Shipping
This high-performance fishing hat battles the heat, combining UPF 50 fabrication, which blocks out 98% of harmful UVA and UVB rays, and an Omni-Wick® sweatband and mesh vent panel, which is non UPF, to keep you cool and the sweat from dripping in your eyes.
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Bestellen Sie Accessoires Bora Bora II Booney für 0 CHF in unserem site AESCHBACH. Kostenlose Lieferung und Rücksendungen. Zufrieden oder Geld zurück. Guter Kundenservice.
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