Mountain Tech III Short Sleeve Crew

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  • Beschreibung:

    There’s a reason that the Mountain Tech has become one of our most popular technical pieces for active outdoor adventures: it fits like a dream and features Omni-Wick® technology and antimicrobial properties to pull moisture away from the body quickly and keep you smelling fresh over the long haul.
  • Brand specific:

    Omni-Wick Technology
  • Scarves:

    100% polyester
  • Hersteller-Referenznummer:

SwissPost SameDay Shipping
There’s a reason that the Mountain Tech has become one of our most popular technical pieces for active outdoor adventures: it fits like a dream and features Omni-Wick® technology and antimicrobial properties to pull moisture away from the body quickly and keep you smelling fresh over the long haul.
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